So I just finished and uploaded Big Big (no daily awards even though it had a better score than the daily 2nd) and I wanted to move onto something else.
So I toyed around in flash and got carried away and ended up with The Schrooms. Two new characters that are all drawn up and ready to go in an enviroment than needs a little bit of tweaking but not much. Anywhich way I sort of finished drawing everything and stared blankly at the screen and relised I had no story.
This usually doesn't deter me and I just animate an 8 bit scooter jumping around and put in text about racist Pianos but it doesn't seem to cut the kremlin anymore. Maybe I've matured as an artist, maybe I want some respect from the developer community or maybe I want my animations to be funnier. I don't want this to be a long drawn out project, I already have one of them on the fly (see my last news post) So I want to pull out the mike and just improvise some dialog, animate it and get this thing out within the week.
What do you all think? Anyone have any ideas or inspiration?
Also, Screenie! (this took me about 3 hours including animation prep)